In partnership with

St Malachy's Catholic Primary, Furness Place, Illingworth, Halifax, HX2 8JY

01422 244628

St Malachy's Catholic Primary School

Ofsted an Parent View

We are proud to work with all the Catholic schools across our two local authority areas, particularly as the Trust grows and benefits from the expertise and knowledge that other schools joining in the future will bring.

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Welcome to the Year 6 class page!

Our Teacher is Mrs Reilly and our Teaching Assistant is Mrs Byrnes.

 Check out what we are getting up to in class on our Dojo page! 

Class Dojo

Check out what we are getting up to in class on our Dojo page! 

 Times Tables

Times tables recall is essential for maths the children will use in everyday life. It is really important they continue to practice these through Year 6.

Each child has access to Times Tables Rockstars and is asked to complete at 5 mins each day. Your child should have their own password but if they need a reminder please message me on class dojo.


This game helps with times tables, number bonds and halving and doubling.


We love to read for pleasure in school and the children listen to a range of different novels over the year. They also take part in guided and echo reading daily to improve reading fluency and comprehension.

Children can choose books from our class library or bring them from home. Children are asked to read at least 10-15 minutes each day either to an adult or independently. 



St Malachy's Mission

God asks us to:

Accept and respect everyone. 

Always behave sensibly and safely. 

Work hard ourselves, others and all the things in our school. 

Be the best version of ourselves. 

Modern Foreign Language

 In Year 6 we learn Spanish, building on everything we have learned in Year 5, in preparation for High School.


 In May of Year 6 our children will take the Government SATs tests in:

spelling, punctuation and grammar



They will also produce pieces of writing to evidence the level they are working at.

We ask our parents and carers to support us at home by working on any targets set.

The Sacrament of Confirmation

The children who have already received the Sacraments of Reconciliation and First Holy Communion, will prepare for and receive the Sacrament of Confirmation in the Spring Term of Year 6. Have a look in the 'Faith and Community' tab for more information.


 PE is every Tuesday.

We will provide your child with a PE Kit and a pump bag. These will be kept in school.

We ask that you provide a pair of black school pumps for your child which will also be kept in school.


 Forest School

We have Forest School on Monday mornings. Please ensure your children come to school in appropriate clothes (trousers, t-shirt, hoodie/jumper, wellies and a waterproof coat) and bring their uniform to change into for the afternoon. Thank you.