Supporting Learning at Home
Homework at St Malachy's
EYFS: Sounds and handwriting rhymes are sent home each week. Once children are secured in Set 1 Sounds, 'Word Time Lists' are sent home for the children to learn. Children will take a library book home each Friday and this will be shared with family over the weekend and returned on the Monday.
Sound blending books will be sent home to accompany 'Word Time Lists'.
Year One: Once children have progressed from sound blending books, they will be set into a Read Write Inc. group where they will receive a Read Write Inc. reading book and a Book Bag book. They will go out on a Monday to be returned on a Friday. Library books will be taken home on a Friday.
Children will practise their Maths Skills on Numbots.
Year Two: Children will receive a Read Write Inc. reading book and a Book Bag book. They will go out on a Monday to be returned on a Friday. Library books will be taken home on a Friday.
Children will practise their Maths skills on Numbots and TT Rockstars.
KS2: Weekly spellings that are tested throughout the week, times table practise through TT Rockstars and reading at least 3 times a week.
Reading at Home: Your child will being home a reading record card so that reading at home can be recorded. It is really important that every time your child reads you take a few moments to record how they got on so that we can follow it up in school.
Purple Mash & Numbots/TT Rockstars: Logins for Purple Mash and Numbots/TT Rockstars are given to the children. If you need a reminder of these please message your child's teacher on Dojo.