In partnership with

St Malachy's Catholic Primary, Furness Place, Illingworth, Halifax, HX2 8JY

01422 244628

St Malachy's Catholic Primary School

Ofsted an Parent View

We are proud to work with all the Catholic schools across our two local authority areas, particularly as the Trust grows and benefits from the expertise and knowledge that other schools joining in the future will bring.

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Welcome to our Year 2 webpage!

Our Teacher is Mrs Dale and our Teaching Assistant is Mrs Lewis.

Here you will find our Curriculum Overview to see what your child will be learning over the year and how best to support them throughout.

 Class Dojo

     Keep updated with what we are              learning in Year 2 on our             Class Dojo page!


Children who have not passed the phonics test at the end of Year 1 will have a phonics lesson every day where they learn new sounds, read words, spell words and practise reading.

The children will then retake the Phonics Screening Check in June where they will showcase their phonics skills. 


Throughout the year, children will do lots of counting, reading and writing numbers in numerals and words and using mathematical symbols such as + - and = (plus much more!) to ensure they are secure and fluent. Take a look at our KS1 maths document to keep updated with what your child will be learning.

 Children can also access Numbots at home to practise their maths skills. If your child needs their log in details, then please ask Mrs Dale.

St Malachy's Mission

God asks us to:

-accept and respect everyone.

-always behave sensibly and safely.

-work hard ourselves and keep everyone learning.

-look after ourselves, others and all the things in our school.

-be the BEST version of ourselves.




Children read everyday in their phonics lessons, please do try your best to listen to your child read at home. Phonics books go out every Monday and need returning every Friday

We also read for pleasure and the children will get to hear lots of different stories over the year as well as choose books from our class library.


Our PE lessons are on Fridays. School will provide all our children with a PE kit.

Please send in a pair of pumps which will be kept in school. Please ensure your child's name is written clearly in them. Thank you!

 Forest School

Our Forest school sessions are on 

Tuesday afternoons

Please send your child with forest school kit (trousers, t-shirt, hoodie/jumper, coat and wellies and a waterproof coat), as the children can get very messy when having lots of fun exploring our forest school areas!